We believe in providing you with personal, attentive, professional and convenient care as well as access to the latest technology and treatments.
Binocular vision disorders can take on many forms. Essentially, the two eyes want to work together as a team! We always evaluate your eye efficiency during yearly exams.
BioDOptix® amniotic extracellular matrix is a dehydrated membrane allograft derived from donated human amniotic tissue that is intended for use in ocular tissue repair.
BlephEx™ is a new, in-office eye treatment that is proven to provide long-lasting relief from blepharitis and dry eye. The procedure safely and precisely removes debris from along the edge of your lashes, exfoliates your eyelids, and immediately improves uncomfortable symptoms.
The natural lens in the eye gradually becomes less clear as we get older. When opacities develop in the lens and the lens gets too hazy, vision will be impaired. Our office can diagnose and manage cataract care.
If you are ever diagnosed with diabetes, your primary care doctor will likely recommend extra close monitoring of your eyes. Diabetic patients should have a dilated retinal examination each year.
Dry Eye is more than an uncomfortable condition. Symptoms include scratchy eyes, burning, mild redness and gritty feeling eyes. Oral medications, reading, computer tasks and dry environments may aggravate marginally dry eyes.
Glaucoma is a silent eye disease. It is a condition in which your eye pressure gradually increases, physically damaging your optic nerve, leading to permanent vision loss. You typically won't feel glaucoma or notice the subtle vision loss until it is much too late.
Keratoconus, often referred to as ‘KC’, is an eye condition in which the cornea weakens and thins over time, causing the development of a cone-like bulge and optical irregularity of the cornea.
Thirty million Americans suffer from Meibomian gland dysfunction, which causes the majority of dry eye cases. LipiFlow is a safe and effective method for getting these oil glands to secrete again. Basically a spa-like treatment for your eyelids to aid in a cleansing of the blocked up oil glands.
Macular degeneration is the breakdown of the macula, which is the area of the retina responsible for your fine, detailed central sight. This is typically a disease related to aging, but it also has many lifestyle risk factors.
PROKERA® biologic corneal bandage devices are used by our eye doctors to heal and treat ocular conditions such as keratitis, moderate to severe dry eye disease, recurrent corneal erosions, filamentary keratitis, persistent epithelial defects, neurotrophic corneas, herpetic ulcers, and many other ocular surface diseases such as chemical burns and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
The TearCare® System is indicated for the application of localized heat when the current medical community recommends the application of a warm compress to the eyelids. Such applications would include Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), Dry Eye, or Blepharitis.